
What to Expect During a Service

We invite you to be our guest Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. where you can dress how you want. The pastor wears bow ties, but people mostly wear comfortable clothing (from casual to athleisure).
•We sing the Lord’s Prayer rather than recite it. We’re fond of Parker Palmer’s version.
•About twice a month we have a “Personal Reflection” where someone from the community speaks for 5-7 minutes about something on their heart. Topics have ranged from why I pray and why I don’t believe in God to why birding is important to me and how I dealt with my grief when my parents died and almost anything you can imagine in-between.
•Laughter is encouraged (but there are tissues in every pew if it’s not a laughter kind of day).
•After the Lord’s Prayer kids are invited to join Jessica downstairs or they are welcome to remain in the sanctuary.
•We invite you to write down on the prayer intentions paper whatever you need to put down.
•Communion is offered the first Sunday of every month and all are welcome to the table.
•We are Welcoming and Affirming of our LGBTQIA+ siblings.
•Our coffee is amazing! (except when we accidentally get decaf!)
•If you bike, take the bus or walk or drive to Judson and then decide you just can’t come in that’s fine too. Test runs are cool. And there’s a livestream (you can click on the link above to see past Sundays as well).


What does Sunday mean to those who attend?

Beyond Sunday

  • Garden Group

    September 21, 2024  9:00 am11:00 am

    Calling all Nature Lovers – Saturday, September 21 from 9:00-noon

    Do you love to be outside, enjoying nature and interesting gardens?  Judson has 5 rain gardens, arcade flower boxes and a bit of boulevard green to enjoy and maintain.  We would love anyone wanting to learn more about our gardens, to join us as we weed, rake, water and deadhead plants going to seed.  Come and LEARN about what we are doing to enhance the exterior of our building and grounds.  We gather about once a month to work and play in the dirt.  You are welcome to stop by and say “Hi”, join in the garden fun for as long as you want and help greet the dog walkers, the families coming to play in the playground, the bikers and the visitors to our Free Little Library.  Bring your favorite garden tools and gloves OR we will share from our vast collection.  Next gathering is Saturday, September 21st from 9:00-noon.  Hope to see you.  All are welcome.

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  • Womens Group

    September 23, 2024  6:00 pm8:00 pm

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  • Gathering: A Writing Circle

    September 23, 2024  6:30 pm8:30 pm
    Ann Judson Room

    Gathering: A WritingCircle with Kris Woll

    Writing is a solitarypractice, a quiet art of showing up to yourself and to the page. Gathering withfellow writers can provide nourishment and inspiration to sustain yourpractice, a chance to reflect on your process and product with others engageddeeply in the same craft.

    Gathering creates this space to reflect on your work, withthe companionship of other writers. Inspired by contemplative practices,Gathering meetings will center on what is coming alive in our writing andwriting life, our creative practice and creative souls. We will not “workshop”writing, but will listen deeply and with intention to each ourselves and toeach other. 

    Each meeting will include ashort time for silent writing and brief updates and progress reports for allparticipants. Over the course of our meetings, each participant will also haveseveral opportunities to share their work and their reflections on it in adeeper way, over a longer stretch of time. These will be planned in advance, sowriters have an opportunity to consider what they would like to bring to thegroup. Group size is limited. 

    Gathering is open to writersacross genres who:

    ·  Are actively engaged in a writingproject with a desire to move the project forward in the coming year; 

    ·  Desire to fuse the creative process withcontemplative and mindful practices;

    ·  Can commit to a series of five in-personmeetings in fall and winter, moving us from 2023 into early 2024.

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  • Staff Meeting

    September 24, 2024  10:00 am11:00 am

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  • Randy Baker Rehearsal

    September 24, 2024  7:00 pm9:30 pm

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  • Wild & Precious Conversations

    September 24, 2024  7:00 pm8:30 pm

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  • Building Use Committee Meeting

    September 25, 2024  9:30 am11:00 am

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  • JPS Potluck /families

    September 25, 2024  5:00 pm7:00 pm
    Fellowship Hall

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  • Choir Rehearsal

    September 25, 2024  7:00 pm8:30 pm

    Doyou enjoy singing? Judson Choir is looking for people to join us. No long-termcommitment is required. We sing a variety of music. All ages are welcome. Themusic director is Dr. John De Haan, a voice teacher at the University ofMinnesota. We practice on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm. Enter through thebig black door on Harriet Ave. Whetheryou are looking to enhance your vocal abilities or simply enjoy the act ofsinging, the Judson Choir offers a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for allinvolved. Call the office if you have any questions at 612-822-0649.

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  • Climate Justice Meeting

    September 26, 2024  7:00 pm8:30 pm

    Judson Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 818 1489 7617
    Passcode: 341611

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  • Mahjong at Judson

    September 26, 2024  7:00 pm9:00 pm
    Fellowship Hall

    Mah Jongg weekly games will be held in the Ann Judson room starting at 7 pm. All are welcome.

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