
We are a spiritually grounded community united in providing sanctuary for all who enter. We seek to open ourselves to the healing and transforming power of God’s love as well as we seek to follow the life of Jesus: honoring our deepest differences, seeking justice and mercy, discovering and implementing our gifts, and nurturing our children. We are dedicated to increasing the love of God, love of neighbor, love of creation, and the love of self through hospitality, social justice, joy and deep spirituality.
Our roots are deep in the American Baptist tradition which allows for congregational autonomy. Our congregants represent a diverse cross-section of all belief traditions; life-long American Baptists, Lutheran, Catholic, Buddhist, Southern Baptist or no faith tradition at all. We may call ourselves Christians, Agnostics, or still deciding, yet we commonly share a desire for community and the opportunity to grow and learn from each other.

Judson Memorial Baptist Church has a long history with the Kingfield neighborhood. The church began as an extension of Calvary Baptist Church in 1909 with the building of the Judson Memorial Chapel at 38th/Harriet. As this part of Minneapolis grew so did the Church’s congregation and on November 16, 1909, Judson Church incorporated, and a new church building was erected at Judson’s current location of 41st/Harriet.
The cornerstone was laid on March 21, 1915, and the current sanctuary was added in 1927. The vision of the early congregation was for Judson to be a “neighborhood, religious, social and recreation center.” Over its 100+ year history Judson has continued this vision by opening its doors to musical concerts, art shows, book launches, lectures, yoga classes, writing groups, painting groups, theater groups, opera companies, scout troops and more. Judson has been home to a community counseling center, the Judson Street Fest and a playground. Currently Judson provides office and kitchen space for the TRUST Meals on Wheels program, is home to the Judson Preschool, and provides space for neighborhood events such as Kingfield’s Empty Bowls. We look forward to continuing to be a “neighborhood religious, social and recreation center” for many years to come.

Judson Memorial Baptist Church follows a congregational model of church governance. That means that the local church is the sole authority for matters of business, policies and practices of Judson Memorial Baptist Church. The church owns the property, the church council is responsible for legal and financial matters, and the congregation chooses its pastors and officers. It also means that Judson freely associates and is a member of the American Baptist Churches, USA. Our membership is with the American Baptist Churches of the Rochester/Genesee Region in Rochester, NY.